© 2024 The Gisborne Herald

Sustainable pet cremation option

1 min read

We appreciate the opportunity to address the comment that has been made regarding the environmental sustainability of our newly established pet water cremation business.
We agree that burying and planting a tree is a great, eco-friendly way for people to lay their pets to rest. However, we must also adapt and adopt methods that align with the realities of our modern lifestyle. Many people do not have the luxury of access to private land, and some do not have the physical capability to dig a hole large or deep enough for their pets.
Furthermore, we believe that how we mourn and remember our pets should be a deeply personal choice. For many, holding on to a physical reminder of their pet provides comfort and closure. With water cremation, pet owners can keep a part of their beloved pets with them (ashes) which is not possible with a burial.
Prior to our opening, pet owners had only two options — take their pets home to bury them or send them out of town to be cremated by flame. Our sustainability is in comparison to flame cremation. Water cremation uses 90 percent less energy than flame cremation, does not produce any air emissions, no burning of fossil fuels, and reduces carbon emissions by eliminating the need for pets to travel out of town. The chemical reaction that occurs in our process actually mimics the natural decomposition that occurs when a pet is buried, just at an accelerated rate.
Our purpose is not to compete with or replace pet burial but simply provide people with an alternative, modern, eco-friendly option. We hope our community can join us in embracing this innovation that is changing the way we experience pet loss, offering a sustainable choice that respects the environment, the constraints of modern living and the sentiments of pet owners.

Kirstie Lovell and 
James Hughes-Lock