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Any wonder some young white males rebel?

1 min read

It’s hard these days not to feel sorry for someone who is white, straight and male. Taught throughout their education that they are irredeemably racist, they are condemned for their ethnicity, their masculinity, their cisgender normality, their heteronormativity, their Christianity and finally, their privilege. This hostile garbage is peddled by corporations as their new marketing ploy (witness Disney exhorting employees to “be less white”) and by the media, politicians, and their teachers at school. If they speak out against it, they are immediately labelled Nazis.

In America, for the past 50 years, thanks to affirmative action which white men face in academic admissions, in hiring in corporations, marketing campaigns, entertainment awards and the awarding of contracts, they find themselves at the end of the line and not in the position of privileged oppressors as the woke media would have you believe.

When merit doesn’t matter, young white males no longer strive for it but instead experience a sense of hopelessness which is the goal of the woke ideology. And to cap it all they have to cope with the imposition of the complicated, half-baked gender ideology.

Is it any wonder that some of them rebel and turn to macho heros like the former world champion kickboxer and social media hero Andrew Tate, or others languish, smoking marijuana, which destroys their motivation and IQs, and playing pointless, violent video games?

Patrick Cooper